
CSF-1 demonstrates sustained benefits for mild to moderate presbyopia

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The CSF-1 (0.4% pilocarpine) eye drops are effective in improving and sustaining near visual acuity in adults with mild to moderate presbyopia, with better results observed in those with less severe baseline vision impairment, according to a presentation at the 2024 American Academy of Optometry Annual Meeting.

The trial included 309 adults with baseline binocular near visual acuity (DCNVA) between 20/50 and 20/160 Snellen, excluding those with 20/40 or better vision. Participants used CSF-1 twice daily over a 15-day period, with dosing intervals reducing from every 2 hours in the first week to every 3 hours in the second.

The results demonstrated significant improvements in functional near vision (20/40 or better DCNVA). By Day 15, 76.2% of participants achieved this threshold 20 minutes after the first dose, increasing to 85.9% and 86.4% at 1 hour post-doses 1 and 2, respectively. For those with mild presbyopia (20/50 baseline), success rates were higher across all time points compared to those with moderate presbyopia (20/63 baseline). Of note, 77.6% of mild cases maintained functional vision 5 hours post-dose 2, versus 46.4% of moderate cases.

Koetting C, et al. Functional near Vision Improvement with CSF-1 (0.4% Pilocarpine) Stratified by Baseline Severity: Pooled Results of the Phase 3 near Clinical Trials. 2024 American Academy of Optometry Annual Meeting; November 6-9, 2024; Indianapolis, IN.
